Dear all,
You are going to read lovely words portraying an enjoyable afternoon spent in Greenary café with witty conversation. These words serve as the review of our second English salon, which was hosted by Virginia and June. Yet, I need to mention a few things that may not be so enjoyable. It is not that I intend to be a wet blanket, but that I personally find it necessary to attach some importance to what is gradually assumed to be less important.
I guess most of us have watched Sex and City and still remember the first episode. It is about an English journalist dating an investment banker. More than kissing and caressing, they made love; more than making love, they drove to the man’s newly bought house, looking at the decoration plans. That night, the man dropped the woman at her apartment and reminded her of their dinner plans for Tuesday. On Tuesday, he called and said he would have to take a rain check. After a two-week long rain check, she called him and he said he would call her later. And of course, he never did. When the innocent journalist was relating her experience with bewilderment in her eyes, a few words showed on the screen: Welcome to the Age of Un-Innocence.
Some teachers who entered for our activity did not show up! “This is normal.” I was told by our peaceful secretary, who had obviously accustomed herself to such uninformed absence. Enthusiasm wanes. This is human nature and totally understandable. We sometimes have to change our plans, because plans are interrupted by unpredictable and capricious incidents. This is life and also understandable! But are we so busy that we do not get round to making a phone call? A phone call takes 1 minute, but it frees our hostesses from anxious expectation and deep frustration.
The man in the story disappeared. Behind this uninformed disappearance, there is a message: you don’t have to be so serious! After all, this is also an age of Un-seriousness. Everyday, we are busy receiving this message and, at the same time, sending the message to people around us. Perhaps, this characterizes our age. Besides, this also leaves scars.